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P. Kochanowska
Curiosities of Krzyżowa
Hidden Cannons: Cannons from the palace were discovered and relocated to the Polish Army Museum in Warsaw. Bells of Reconciliation: Every evening at 10:00 p.m., bells chime to symbolize Polish-German unity. Bees and Letters: Freya von Moltke’s beekeeping hobby became a clever way to hide correspondence with her husband, now preserved in exhibitions. Krzyżowa is more than a village—it is a living testament to resilience, hope, and the enduring power of dialogue. Its blend of history, memory, and education continues to inspire visitors from around the world.
A Site of Reconciliation and Renewal
After World War II, Krzyżowa became a symbol of reconciliation. In 1989, a historic Reconciliation Mass brought Polish Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl together, marking a new chapter in Polish-German relations. The estate was later redeveloped into an International Youth Meeting Centre, fostering dialogue and educational programs for Polish and German youth.
The Exhibition “Rejecting Lies”
Launched in 1998, the exhibition "Rejecting Lies" delves into acts of resistance against oppressive regimes in Germany and Central Europe. Organized by Kreisau-Initiative e. V. (Berlin) and the KARTA Center (Warsaw), the exhibition highlights stories of courage and defiance against authoritarian rule, offering a deeper understanding of the fight for freedom and justice.
The von Moltke Family and the Kreisau Circle
In the 19th century, Helmuth James von Moltke acquired the Krzyżowa estate, transforming it into a bastion of resistance against Nazi oppression. Helmuth James von Moltke, a lawyer and anti-Nazi activist, organized integration camps and used his position within the German military to aid victims of persecution.
By 1938, he and his allies established the Kreisau Circle, a diverse anti-Nazi resistance group. Convening secretly at Krzyżowa’s "House on the Hill," they envisioned a democratic post-war Germany, advocated for reparations to Nazi victims, and planned justice for war criminals. Tragically, von Moltke was arrested by the Gestapo and executed in 1945.
His wife, Freya von Moltke, safeguarded their correspondence—hidden in beehives—preserving their legacy of courage and commitment to justice.
Krzyżowa: Timeless Symbol of History, Resistance, and Reconciliation
Krzyżowa: A Village with a Storied Past
Nestled in Lower Silesia, about 60 km southwest of Wrocław, Krzyżowa is a small village of immense historical and cultural significance. Mentioned in 13th-century papal documents as Crisova, its name likely originates from the Latin crisanus (Christian) or the Czech križu (ice floe). Over the centuries, Krzyżowa endured Tatar invasions, the ravages of the Thirty Years' War, and changing political tides, including its annexation by Prussia in 1742.
V Liceum Ogólnokształcące
z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi
im. Kanclerza Jana Zamoyskiego
w Dąbrowie Górniczej
"Takie Rzeczypospolite będą, jakie ich młodzieży chowanie"
tel. 32 262 27 67
tel. 32 262 37 58
ul. Czapińskiego 8, 41-300 Dąbrowa Górnicza
Jan Zamoyski
z Ukrainą
Oficjalna strona V Liceum Ogólnokształcącego z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi im. Jana Kanclerza Zamoyskiego w Dąbrowie Górniczej